Massage therapy is a great way to limber and loosen up the body and can help with any muscle issues that you might be experiencing. Over time, due to stress and strain put on the body, naturally, your muscles can tighten and knot – and it can be quite painful to try and work around. As a result of this, you might experience a smaller range of movement, less flexibility, or even chronic pain in some parts of your body. There’s no need to try to live with these difficulties, especially when your issue can be solved by deep tissue massage procedures such as Ashiatsu.

What to expect during your massage

If you’ve never experienced the barefoot style massage that is Ashiatsu, it might be hard to imagine what it is that you’re going to experience during your session. The Ashiatsu massage therapists aren’t just stumbling around on your back – there’s a fluid style to it, and it can be one of the most effective deep tissue massages you can experience as more pressure can be used on different trigger points.

To some, that might sound unsanitary, but each massage therapist washes their feet before and after treating a client with a specially installed foot sink. This ensures that there’s no risk of unsanitary treatment, and every client gets the best massage possible.

Also, unlike most Ashiatsu clinics, it’s not just a barefoot massage that you’re going to get. While it can be a great deep tissue massage, sometimes there are spots that are easier to reach and work with using hands – which is why this clinic uses both the therapist’s feet and hands – giving clients the best of both worlds when coming in for an Ashiatsu massage therapy session.

The benefits of an Ashiatsu Massage

Reduced chronic pain

If you’re experiencing chronic muscle pain in any part of your body, a deep-tissue massage might be exactly what you need. While an Ashiatsu massage won’t instantly solve your chronic pain issue, if it’s muscle related – you might experience alleviated symptoms, and over the course of a few appointments, your issue may seem to clear up. As Ashiatsu is an effective form of deep tissue massage, it can help to loosen those tight muscles and work your deep tissue layers, which eventually reduces chronic pain.

Reduced stress

Stress can be the result of many different factors, and while it might be difficult to notice – it does have a serious impact on the body. Some of your stress may even be coming from things like muscle pain, and an Ashiatsu massage can help you with that in more ways than one. Clients often leave their massage appointment feeling much more relaxed and at ease, than they did when they entered. 

The reason behind this is that a massage can actually help to boost circulation and reduce the levels of cortisol in your body, which is the hormone that your body produces when feeling stressed. You may even experience increased blood flow after a whole-body massage, which may also help to reduce stress.

Increased flexibility

If you find that when you move you’re generally quite stiff, or you have trouble with your flexibility, it can be a result of muscle tightness. Whether your muscles have tightened from lack of use, stress, or otherwise – it’s not a permanent state. Receiving a deep tissue Ashiatsu massage and having your muscles massaged and stretched can help you to restore some of that flexibility, restoring a greater range of motion to your movements. If left for too long, this isn’t something that simple stretches are going to help with, and you need someone to reach those deeper layers of soft tissue that you can’t.

The deepest tissue massage

You may find that any form of deep tissue massage can be effective, but not all of them are able to reach the deepest layers of your muscle tissue. Thanks to Ashiatsu’s style, gravity, and body weight can help to achieve more pressure, making it easier to get to those deeper spots that otherwise wouldn’t be within reach. The barefoot massage, mixed with the weight and pinpoint techniques of your Ashiatsu massage therapist will ensure that even tightness in your deepest tissues is relieved.

As a result of this, clients might experience the beneficial effects of the massage for longer, too, as it can prove to be even more effective than a traditional massage, or other forms of deep tissue massage.

Less discomfort

If you’ve ever received another form of massage before, one of the major and consistent complaints is residual soreness that occurs after the treatment. Typically, with Ashiatsu, there’s much less worry about sore muscles and discomfort that comes afterward. A barefoot massage can lead to a more spread-out deep pressure on the client’s body and muscles due to the broad surface of the feet rather than one singular point that an intense hand massage might have.

Will an Ashiatsu Massage cover both sides?

Appointments are generally personalized per client, but if there is a time during the appointment made, you will be able to receive an Ashiatsu massage on both the front and back. It’s important to reach all tension in the body, especially if dealing with muscle pain – but it can be declined if the client would prefer against it.

How often should you have a massage?

If trying to work on an issue more than once per week can help (can lessen that over time)

The frequency at which you should have these messages will differ from client to client. While they can be a great way to maintain flexibility and reduce overall muscle tension, you won’t need to have these appointments as much as someone with chronic muscle pain.

If you’re on a budget, then it’s generally recommended to have an Ashiatsu massage in Austin, TX booked once a month, however, if you’re not on a budget – once a week can prove to be very beneficial to maintaining muscle looseness.

If you’re experiencing muscle pain, or lacking a significant range of motion, it might be better to have your appointments more than once a week until the problem starts to resolve. At this point, you can lessen your appointments as your issue clears up.

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