4 Questions To Ask Your Massage Therapist

Have you been getting deep tissue massage but not getting the results you hoped for? Or have you had to switch to a new massage therapist in Austin and the deep tissue massage wasn’t as good as your massage therapist in your last city?

What you are experiencing is quite common.

If you line up 10 deep tissue massage therapists and get a massage from each of them, you will find distinct differences between each of them. And that makes you wonder if there’s any continuity or uniformity in the profession or how they are all taught.

Wondering this is definitely giving you a clue about a problem in the whole deep tissue massage industry:  everyone is trained at a very basic level in school, sometimes they don’t even get any deep tissue training, and then are expected to get further training after graduating to hone their skills.

deep tissue massage therapist performing on a patient lying on their stomach

Many “deep tissue massage therapists” are missing in-depth knowledge and experience.

This is actually quite similar to what happens in just about every other profession. Doctors learn the theoretical basis of treating clients and then have to get additional training to become more knowledgeable about a particular specialty. Physical therapists, Acupuncturists, and Chiropractors are all the same. Once they start working with clients in a clinical setting, they learn the ins and outs of how to deal with shoulder or knee disorders and so on.

Here are 4 important questions you should be asking your massage therapist prior to receiving any kind of treatment.

Question 1: When Did You Graduate?

If your massage therapist is specializing in deep tissue massage, the therapist’s background makes a big difference.

Are they just out of school? If so, they may not be able to give you the deep relief you are looking for. Unless they happen to be a “natural”, which we all know is few and far between.

Question 2: What Training Did You Get in Deep Tissue Massage?

The next thing to consider is what type of additional training the deep tissue massage therapist has had. This is where you’ll have to do some probing.

Was the massage therapist satisfied with massage schooling and stopped there? If so, this type of therapist is similar to someone that is satisfied with high school and doesn’t want to learn anything after graduation, which limits the level of quality therapeutic work they can offer.

Or, if they are working for a company, did the employer offer in-house training to ensure standard quality and continuity?  Not likely, most massage clinics don’t offer any in-house training. 

Hint: Deep Relief trains all of their therapists in-house to ensure quality work every time you get on one of their massage tables.

Question 3: How Many Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Sessions Have You Given?

There’s nothing that comes close to real experience working with clients. During this precious time, massage therapist has time to make connections to their theoretical knowledge and to discover what really works for clients.

Hands-on experience is very important, but again, if they don’t have the gift it won’t matter how many massages they get under their belt.

Question 4: What Do You Do When You Find the Client Doesn’t Get Good Results?

This is probably one of the most difficult questions to ask, and primarily what you are looking for is the response of the massage therapist.

Do they look stunned or stumped? If so, they probably haven’t even considered this could happen, or possibly they are amazed someone would consider that deep tissue massage wouldn’t work.

Either way, what you’re learning is they haven’t been taught how to handle such a situation.  Meanwhile, you still aren’t getting the deep relief you need.

Now that you know about the problem, let’s discuss the solution.

Deep Tissue Massage Problems Solved at DEEP Relief

Licensed massage therapist and acupuncturist Louisa Tomaio ran into these problems years ago long before she moved to Austin and became a massage therapist.

“What the massage industry was missing was a uniformity in training so that clients could walk away from every massage therapist’s session and say, ‘Wow, that was the best massage in Austin I have ever had!'”

Louisa set her goals on creating that type of training and made significant discoveries along the way.

For example, she found that somehow the massage therapist’s basic training overlooked several different hot spots where trigger points and major attachment sites could be found. If these hot spots were not addressed, the client’s relief was incomplete – and thus there wasn’t deep relief. She continued to work on creating this detailed training for massage therapists that were specializing in deep tissue massage therapy.

After training many massage therapists in Austin, Texas, Louisa was a bit shocked to discover that only about 20-25% of them really had the desire and chops to master and offer this high-end deep tissue service.  This type of long-lasting relief that eliminates a musculoskeletal condition and prevents it from returning is hard work and not everyone was cut out to reproduce this level of massage hour after hour, day after day.

But over the years, Louisa has been able to find and train some gifted hard working pearls amongst the massage therapists that will go the total distance for their clients. She gives them the training and the clients they need to make the connection between the theoretical and experience so they can reach a high level of skill to pass on to their clients.

High-quality Deep Tissue massage therapy in Austin can be found at Deep Relief.

Give us a call today. Get the uniformity of care you are searching for in a quest for deep relief. Don’t settle for less anymore. There truly is an excellent massage therapist in Austin waiting to serve you.

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